Esther M. Zimmer Lederberg
Edmund Spenser, 1569-1599: Sonnet V

RVdely thou wrongest my deare harts desire,
         In finding fault with her too portly pride:
         the thing which I doo most in her admire,
         is of the world vnworthy most enuide.
For in those lofty lookes is close implied,
         scorn of base things, and sdeigne of foule dishonor:
         thretning rash eies which gaze on her so wide,
         that loosely they ne dare to looke vpon her.
Such pride is praise, such portlinesse is honor,
         that boldned innocence beares in hir eies:
         and her faire countenance like a goodly banner,
         spreds in defiaunce of all enemies.
Was neuer in this world ought worthy tride,
         without some spark of such self-pleasing pride?


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